My resources for this theory are:
The text of Jo Reichertz "Qualitativ Sozial Research" in German " Qualitative Sozialforschung",
point 2:
and the things I have heard from J.Hopfner this morning in the lecture of general pedagogics. (Allgemeine Pädagogik)
So thats my theory:
I) 4 ideal types of argueing
Wenn I do a declaration about reality, I have to watch out which arguments I use for it.
Jo Reichertz differentiates 4 ideal types of used arguments in siences.
1) The empiric type
-> The sentence:" All swans are white" is guilty because I have seen just white swans at the lake.
2) The rational type
-> This Argument uses logic and rationality to convine the others of the own reality. For example: 1 + 1 = 2 because we humans have decided that 1 + 1 = 2 is true.
3) The authority type
-> Something I say is guilty, because a very important person said it too.
For example: God exists, because it stands in the bible. Or the theory of relativity is true because Einstein said it, and he was a genious.
4) The own ability to convince others type
-> This way of argueing is the easiest way. Something is true, because I say it, (+in a way that convinces you.)
II) The difference between written and spoken words.
J.Hopfner, said today in the lecture, that the written word is a stronger argument than the spoken ones. The reason is, that the written word allways can be proved by reading the text the own who arguments has her/his insights (Erkenntnisse) from.
The same happens her. I do a theory which is argueing with something, someone said in a lecture.
It is not sure if
a) I understood J.Hopfner right
b) I got all importent information
c) Im telling you exactly the same as she told me.
At this point of view the written word realy is the stronger argument.
Closuring I could say, that there is a hierachy between this different ideal types of debating.
1) The written word is allway stronger than the spoken word
2) Empiric - Rational - Authority - Ability to convince others, in exactly this order.
I think sience it self is not sure if the empiric type comes before or afterwards the rational one, but I dont want to write about this battle yet.
Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007
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1 Kommentar:
Hi Vali
That is great work you do here! I hope you will use the Reichertz text in your ProSeminar paper!
Written work is strong... and you can go back to it unless it gets destroyed or offline before you can do so... written work is powerful even for those who can not read... it dominates the discourse, it can make it cultural and gender in- and excluding...
and my last thought:
written work is strong in communities where written work is strong :-)
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