Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2007

How I understand a "Blog"

a) What is a Blog?
Id like to say in short words, what a blog in my understanding (and in my english) is.
eBlog is a Internet portal by google, which helps me to do my own internet homepae in a very easy way. With just a few clicks I can design my own Online: Research Diary, Newspaper or whatever Id like to use my blog for.
b) The Danger of Blogs (or the internet in general)
Id also like to talk about a problem of eBlog. Everything I post in the blog goes puplic. So it is open for the whole world. Everyone can read it. (who has internet of course). There is allready a trend of firm bosses to check the "virtual personalities" of people first, before they hire their personal staff.
What Im tryin to say, is that everyone who uses eBlog(My Space, StudiVz) should really carefully think about the things of what he or she is showing the world of him or herself. It is our own reasbonsibility that people dont get a wrong picture of us, just because they have seen things of us in the internet.

Memo at me:
Ive to write a bit more about "Virtual Personalities"

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